Tatsuro Eguchi(Gucci)

I have been working as a tour guide since 2015 with many tour operators. I have done so many tours including group tours, private tours, and bike tours all over the country but I’m sure this is the best tour for active people who love history and unique experiences. I bring you the best of both traditional tales and the real scoop on modern life, all served up in an easy way so you can gain insights.

I was born and raised in Tokyo and worked as a travel agent for 2 years after graduation from university. I love traveling and cycling to new places, experiencing different cultures, and meeting new people. According to my fitness App, I cycled more than 2000km in 2018 and 2019 with my lovely customer.

It will be my great pleasure to help you to enjoy your stay in Japan.

Looking forward to our journeys together!

National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter(EN05277) 全国通訳案内士

Certified Domestic Travel Service Manager 国内旅行業務取扱管理者

Tour Conductor License 国内旅程管理主任者

Advanced First Aid certificate given by Tokyo Fire Department 上級救命技能認定証